About G3YPP
I was first licensed as G3YPP in 1969 at the age of 16, and have been continuously licensed ever since. I have been a member of the RSGB since 1967.
In the past, I have worked all bands 160m to 13cm and for several years ran an unattended crossband packet node on 2m and 70cm. I have also operated on RTTY since the mid 1980s. I now also operate on data modes including PSK31, PSK63 and FT8.
Other permanent callsigns previously held by me include GW3YPP, DA1MT and ON8JA (ON8JA has since been reissued to Alexander whose QTH is 20km S of Brussels)
In 2012 I got back on the air at a new QTH after a break of about 15 years and am now active on HF SSB, CW and data modes. This includes 5 MHz. I also have a NoV for experimentation on 146-147 MHz
HF 100 Watts, IC-7600 with LDG AT-200Pro II ATU.
Aerials include a 9m vertical Rybakov antenna with radials and a MyAntennas EFHW 80-10 at 30 feet
ICOM IC-R8600 SDR Receiver 10 KHz to 3 GHz
I also have an Icom IC-7000 which I use on HF/VHF/UHF when operating portable from my caravan or boat. Details of my boat are at http://grumpybeartoo.org.uk
For me, if you are outside UK, you are DX :) - starting again from zero with all DXCC etc. and CW is a bit rusty :)
CW Skimmer
I run a CW Skimmer receiver feeding CW spots to the Reverse Beacon Network. The antenna is a "Cross Country Wireless Active Loop antenna" feeding a SDRPlay RSP1a SDR receiver protected by a "Cross Country Wireless Front End Protector". This runs 24/7
WAB Square: TG33 (Tidal and Coastal) - Book No: 19817
Locator: JO02rv
Please no QSL cards via bureau. I routinely QSL via QRZ.com, LoTW, ClubLog and eQSL.
You can view my current logbook online in real-time by clicking on "Searchable logbook" in the side menu.
If you would like a paper QSL card please email me at mike @ g3ypp.org.uk